Body Surgery Overview
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Male Breast Reduction ( Gynecomastia )
Body Surgery Overview
Male cosmetic procedures for the body to improve shape and confidence
An increasing number of men are now enjoying the benefits of cosmetic surgery to help them look and feel good. The main procedures to enhance the body include Liposuction and Abdominoplasty. Actually is possible to obtain exceptional results whilst maintaining masculinity.
If you are a smoker, try and stop for a minimum of six weeks before and one week after surgery as it can reduce the chances of complications.
Liposuction can be used to treat areas of the body that carry unwanted fat. Men commonly carry extra weight around their waist-line and around the organs inside the tummy. This tends to give a 'barrel' appearance on the chest or abdomen.
Although Liposuction can be an excellent form of treatment in men, it can only be used to remove fat that is under the skin. Therefore, if the majority of the shape comes from the fat inside the tummy, only a stable weight loss will help.
The procedure relies on the active removal of fat and then the passive process of the skin shrinking back to give the reduced and improved contour. It is therefore dependent on the ability of the skin to shrink back. This ability varies depending on the area treated the quality and elasticity of the skin and the age of the patient. Small 4mm incisions are used to access the fat and when healed are hardly visible. A suction device using long blunt 2-4 mm cannulas removes the fat.
TUMMY TUCK (Abdominoplasty)
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
This procedure is ideal for men who have excessive skin, fat, and stretch marks on the abdomen, commonly as the result of excessive weight loss. This procedure does result in some weight removal but it is primarily for re-shaping the abdomen and not a means of treating obesity.
The procedure involves removing the fatty tissue below the tummy button and elevating the skin above this area from the muscles down. A benefit of having the full abdominoplasty is that before stitching the skin, the surgeon can tighten the muscles to give a much-improved shape and waistline.
The scar will run fro the hip to hip and will fade well over time, but may take 1-2 years to fully do so.
( Gynecomastia )
Male Breast Reduction ( Gynecomastia )
Male breast reduction (Gynecomastia) removes unwanted skin and tissue
( fat and/or glandular tissue ) from the chest.
Males also have breast tissue under the nipple that can enlarge along with fatty tissue
to form a breast, in most cases, there is no specific cause. Occasionally it can result
from a hormonal imbalance or after taking certain medicines. The breast swelling can
be composed mostly of fat, breast tissue, or a mixture. This can occur at any age but is
most common in teenage boys and although the breast can reduce, it frequently
remains life long.
The Procedure
Gynecomastia can form from a mixture of breasts and fat. It can be a small marble-sized lump or a large fully formed breast. When it comprises a small lump of breast tissue it is best removed via a small cut through the nipple. When the breast swelling is mostly fat than liposuction can be used. This involves the use of 3-4mm cannulas to suck fat out from the breast.
 Much larger cases frequently need the removal of a large area of breast tissue. This effectively becomes a mastectomy (removal of the breast). It is usually performed by making a cut around the nipple and removing some skin as well as breast tissue. In very rare cases the cuts need to be bigger and extend into the skin around the nipple.
The scars will depend on the technique used (as above). Scars across the nipple become almost invisible over time. Scars around the nipple tend to be quite red in the first 6 weeks, becoming purple over the next 3 months, and then fading to white. In general, most patients form very good quality scars over time, but others take longer or may form raised or stretched scars. How other wounds have healed may be an indication.
If you are a smoker, try and stop for a minimum of one week before and after surgery as it can reduce the chances of complications.
Length Of Surgery
The operation takes 1.5 - 3.0 hours depending on the type of technique used and the size of the breast.
Length Of Stay In Hospital
A patient may be seen as a day case or may require an overnight stay in the hospital.
You will wake up with dressings on the wounds and elastic support tape on the chest. The dressings will stay on for three days and must be kept dry. If needed, you will then return to have them replaced with lighter dressings. An elastic garment, usually shaped like a short T-shirt, is necessary at least for the first month after surgery.
It is common to insert a small surgical drain into the breast to remove any unwanted blood/fluid for 24-48 hours.
Strenuous exercise (aerobics etc) should be avoided for 4-6 weeks depending on the cases.
Follow Up
We will check your wound and change the dressing on days 3 and 7. You will then have an appointment at 1 and 3 months.
Recovery And Final Outcome
You should expect some bruising and swelling, which will last 2-3 weeks. It is common to experience some leaking from the wounds in the first few days as they begin to heal. You should immediately have a good flat shape, and it will continue to improve (especially following larger operations) over 4-6 weeks. By this time the skin and nipple will be much softer. The definitive result will be progressively evident after 3 months.
Potential Complications With Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)
This is a routine operation that is a great success for the vast majority of patients. However, as with any procedure, it is very important you understand what can go wrong as well as right. The potential complications are listed below.
• Nipple loss: This is very uncommon and occurs if the blood supply to the nipple is stopped. If this happens the nipple will be lost and be replaced by a scar. Although rare, the risk is increased in any patient by smoking, obesity, and old age. There is also an increased risk if the reduction is for very large breasts.
• Remaining asymmetry or irregularity: Most patients can expect a good flat result on both sides. However, there is a possibility of small differences between each side.
• Wound breakdown: This is very uncommon in this type of surgery.
• Bleeding: A blood clot can collect in the breast, which would result in going back to the theatre for its removal. However, if a blood clot is to form it will be within the first 24 hours post-surgery. Blood clotting results in approximately 3% of patients.
• Infection: quite uncommon but if occurs you will need a course of antibiotics.
• General operation risks: Chest infections, Blood clots in the leg or lung (DVT or PE). Although rare it is important to avoid these by not smoking, being excessively overweight, and moving about after surgery as soon as possible.